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Content problems

It is very difficult to find quality content. Why do we consume various top 10s and gossips about famous people? That is why bad content is so widespread, because people consume it.

Content now is not censored and you don't have to spend a lot of money to produce it. Anyone can produce content and when anyone is producing content you can’t expect it all to be good quality. It seems like not a big deal since there is good content too but the problem is that kids are growing up on bad content.

Another problem is that you not only have to find good content but you also have to like it. Even if you would find good content you may not like it. Think about how many lists of best films exist and how many of those films you would like?

Besides there is a problem with supporting good content since you can’t always check what you buy. In steam you can refund money if you played less than 2 hours but games are now made the way that for the first two hours you won’t understand size of the world or amount of quests or any other things. it gets even worse with films since they first appear at cinema where you can’t get money back at all which means it’s more important to sell the ticket rather than make a good film.

We made world where we have to do what is profitable instead of doing what is right.